We are a FREE educational society devoted to the study of medieval culture in the Outremer circa 1095-1291AD. This is the time of the Crusades where anyone from almost anywhere could meet, as it was the ultimate melting pot.
All races, religions and nationalities lived together, and famously fought. Most of the crusader era was a time of peace, and it's these moments of peace is what we reenact.
Some of our research involves recreating aspects of life in the medieval Outremer, from our persona displays to the medieval arts.
We produce a quarterly journal, and put out papers as well as perform new research on crusader topics as well as topics on general medieval interest. (This will begin in late 2024). In 2024 we plan to open a store with items useable to members but not needed.
Our Local Chapter
Located in Bozeman Montana, home of MSU (Montana State University.) Students and faculty are welcome with membership discounts. Membership costs are FREE for non voting members with other membership options to be seen in our Membership section.All of this within the tight context of our city of Tortosa. Tortosa, was within the County of Tripoli (Syria), where we pretend to occupy in our medieval reenactment.
Start here, this will explain who we are.
This contains our application forms and membership info. We are a Free Group to join!.
This area is for non-reenactment essays on the Outremer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Charter, like our constitution.
This covers recreating medieval items (Costume,armor,etc.)
Our merit system and "coinage" system.
A list of society officers.
Reenactment of Clergy persona.
Where and What Tortosa was in history.
Reenactment of Islamic or Saracen persona.
Online library of medieval religious texts.
Our online Newsletter. Updated July/Aug 2023
Links to other sites.
A form to help you build a medieval persona.
Independent fighting groups.
Other medieval groups we like.
Where national chapter info can be found..
(We recognize Acres "authority" over Montana within medievalism.)
Our page on getting together your first set of Garb, or Crusader era costume
See the Map of Bozeman in Modern Medievalism Here!