Documents of Theory and Practice
(Provisional Charter to Outremer Society and the Medieval village of Tortosa)
IV.G.3.a The corpora will be composed of 2 members chosen from the current membership of the society and 2 life long members, being the Scheiners who founded this society, investing much into this group and currently making this possible.
Any paid member is eligible to sit on corpora.
IV.G.3.b Members of the corpora are nominated to serve on the seat by the membership of the society. The candidate's membership will have been seconded by one or more of the current membership of the corpora, and elected by a simple majority of the membership of the society.
The current membership of corpora will be considered elected by acclamation upon ratification of this section
This is our chief financial officer who keeps records for our group.
IV.H Rules of Order
IV.H.1 Anyone found drinking under age 21 will be removed from and may be banned. Anyone giving minors alcohol will be subject to a permanant ban.
IV.H.2 Anyone using illegal narcotics damages the reputation of this group and will be removed from site if caught doing them on site. Also they may be banned either temporarily or permanently at the descretion of the Prior.
IV.H.2.a. Exception's for medical needs for those with prescription drugs or a medical marijauna card, with proof to show if asked.
IV.H.3 Public Intoxication
Public intoxication is hard to address, but we reserve the right to take your keys if you can't drive and refusal may result in your future banning of social events with our group either temporarily or permanently at the discretion of the Prior, and or others to be addressed in ratification.
IV.H.4 Public Arguing (that's not in character, character play is immune)
Public arguing will not be tolerated if it becomes either heated and vulgar, and or abusive and will result with either a time out, immediately stop, or possible ejection from the Prior, or other member appointed by him. Keep in mind, this is a time of politeness. Staged conflict, as character play is different, but even character play may be limited by others in persona if it becomes offensive.
V. Religion and the Church of Tortosa
V.a.1 Religion was the heart of medieval life and we don't ignore it, but encourage it's role in our society. Tortosa is lead by the Prior who is also the president of the society. He is influenced by the Bishop, and the Mayor, the only secular authority. We represent living within lands controlled by the medieval church instead of some nobleman. As it's in the most multicultural region of the middle ages the most period religious choices are available to personas. Those who choose personas to mock the religions may get banned if it's found by the Prior to promote hate and/or bigotry.
We do not condone nor forbid any period faith mentioned below, our purpose it to simply state what faiths were realistic to that era.
This is not a judgement, and our use of the words pagan and heretic is used historically, and mean not to offend.
V.a.2 Examples of Period Religions recognised as period.
Christianity (Catholic,Orthodox, Celtic, Coptic)
And it's heresies (heres some)
The Heresy of Peter Waldo
Islam (Sunni, Shiites)
And it's heresies (heres some)
The Khawarij
The Isma'ilis
The Druze
There are variations of practice in Judaism but they in general never came to hostilities or declared heresies during the middle ages.
V.a.3 Undocumentable and "hidden" religions, heretics and pagan persona. Out of Period beliefs (Updated)
This includes post 13th century Christianity, post 13th century Paganism and post 13th century Heresies (such as The Hussite Heresy, Lollardism, Conciliarism)
Pagans and heretics (see list above) are allowed with documentation, that are 11th-13th century, we are just asking they keep in mind it would be hidden from others while playing your persona , a Cathar would not last long openly addressing it would they?
Outright fantasy personas, elves, orcs, wizards, ect, are NOT ALLOWED, as we are an educational group. We have a special hatred for Elf reenactors (Stupid spock ears), Elves need not apply. After all it's a crusader village in the medieval era. Keep it intelligent, keep it realistic and remember your not supposed to be a character...but a real person of the era.
V.b "Magic" and Religion. The two are not the same, Magic seeks to influence while religion is a practice. All personas are encouraged to act religiously as in period, as with christians, jews and muslims did openly without problems, but pagans and heretics would do so hiddenley or attach themselves to local festivals.
V.c Magic (for those who believe in it) and seek to scare/harm others with it is not allowed for reasons discovered in other groups with similar bans unless being done in a period way. Example alchemy, herbalism,astrology and talismans are very period and acceptable. Post 13th century practices are not. Use judgement and don't freak people out.
V.d Displaying Religion
Most groups have no problem with this, in fact ACRE, Adria and other groups have a "Church" within their groups. Some groups because of some past issues (See V.c) , have adopted a very short sighted opinion that has damaged their credibility and educational legitimacy by ignoring religion. We realize that religion was at the heart of medieval life and period displays of religion are encouraged. Fighters may be "Blessed" before combat by priests or imams, but may NOT call down curses on enemies unless it's part of a public performance and planned with the event planners and all parties informed before. Unless we are filming or running a faire/show don't curse folks.
V.e Performance
Now understand it's acting, and acting should not be judged as it's an art. A religious PERFORMANCE is not a religious practice,it's acting. A mundane Pagan, or Jew, or Atheist can portray a Bishop, a Priest or Nun. In fact more than a third of the members of the Holy Curia of Ecclesiastical Reenactors are not Christians mundanely. They are actors, but they respect the persona they portray, some are pious and others not as adds drama as long as everyone understands it's acting.
It's no different than watching a movie where people get married by a "Priest" (who is just an actor) or "blessing" of soldiers in "Kingdom of Heaven" that was just acting. This is Living history so don't be offended by either side. This does not mean you can't be pious and faithful, of course that's the freedom of art and expressing your faith though the ART of acting will most likely enhance your performance. Either way it's acting, and an art and is up to the artist to decide their work.
V.f Bigotry
A sensitive topic, as medievalism enjoys soft sexism of men being "Chivalrous" pulling out ladies chairs and like activities. This is not bigotry in medievalisms eyes..nor is "Character Play", but OOPS (Out Of Persona Situations) when YOUR MUNDANE views show that are either bigoted or racist know that it will not be tolerated. We don't care about your modern opinions on any religion or church, or race or whatnot. Act as you would in persona and react to others in persona but keep any modern bias away from your persona.
Everyone is mundanely a different religion from each other as those differences should not be addressed at events as it's rude and causes tensions.
V.g Governing Structure of the Church of Tortosa (Also called the Diocese of Tortosa)