Your first creation of crusader era clothing. The first few steps are aimed at the NEW reenactor or novice.
Step 1. Take a cotton sheet and fold it over and then again into a quarter. Make sure everything is even.
Step 2. Place a large t-shirt (or other shirt) over the sheet as shown, it will cover half the sheet and you might want to cut your cloth a few inches larger as you may want to wear a undertunic or mundane clothing under it. Use a pensil or chalk or other washable marker to mark your cut pattern.
Step 3. Make sure everything is even and carefully cut out your tunic. Again leave some room for it to be hemmed or to give extra room. Make sure your head can fit through the head hole.
Step 4. Unfold and sew up your new tunic!
This pattern can also be modified by length to make robes and is unisex in general. Trim can be added as can the cloth used. Old wool blankets can make very sturdy winter wear and look very period as well.
Swordbelts How a Sword should be worn.
-----------------------TEMPLAR BROTHERS GARB-----------------------
1.Cotton Coif.
2.Felt Cap.
3.Black woolen mantle lined with fur for winter.
4.Black woolen unlined for summer.
5.Black woolen garnache with hood.
6.Linen cotta or tunic.
7.White linen or cotton shirt.
8.White linen bedding sheets, may also be black and white striped.
9.White linen or cotton breeches.
10.White (or black more commonly) linen hose.
11.White (or black more commonly) woolen hose.
12.Linen bag for bedding
What a Templar should Have (Colors should be black for serjents)
It's is of most use to the reenactor that is involved with public events, while I write this in a easy to read form
of the Items that may be of use to the Medievalist who wants to have everything his persona might have.
I have simply copied these down in a broken down way from the "Rule". 1.The Three Knives are a Dagger,a bread knife and a pocket knife (a Small utility knife). Two shirts. Two pairs of breeches with two pairs of hose. A Small belt to be tied over the shirt. They should have a jerkin with tails back and front. A covering fur jacket. Two White mantles (one with fur and one without).
2.Each Should have a cope (your cloak). A tunic. A Leather belt to put arround your waist. Three pieces of bed Linen ,A bag in which to put straw(your mattress),a sheet and a light blanket. A Rug to cover both his mail when he rides out and his bed, it can be white,black or striped . Two small bags (one to put your nightshirt and the other to put your Surcoat and arming jacket). A mesh bag of leather or wire to put your hauberk.
3.A cloth for eating (a napkin. A other cloth to wash your head (A flannel?) and either a rug for sifting his barley or a blanket to cover his horse. A cauldron for cooking. A bowl for measuring barly. A axe and grinder with permission. Three Saddle bags (one for the brother with two for his squires). Two cups for drinking and two flasks . A strap, and one girdle with a buckle and one without. A bowl made of horn with a Spoon. One cloth cap and one felt hat. A tent with a tent peg.
4.A serjent brothers mantle should be black and his above kit does not Include the Horses Equipment,The tent and the cauldron.
5. Other things to add to ones kit can include a garnache, boots a Deer or Goatskin, perhaps Glass Goblets (see rule 608), The Garnache is a heavy cloak often used when at camp. Sources The Hierarchical Statutes 1.(138) 2.(139) 3.(140) 4.(141) 5.(142) Your Sword shoud be a period one and worry not about period armour (Chainmail) but if you are serious choose a padded suit of cloth armour as its inexpensive and Period.