Creation of a valid persona that could be likely in the medieval Outremer is not as hard as it might sound once you fill in the gaps. Understanding the persona you portray will allow a more valid and enjoyable persona for you to play. Not every question needs to be filled out but the more you fill out the more depth you will add.
Who are you?
What are your parents’ names? Are they alive or dead?
Do you have any brothers, sisters, or children? What are their names?
Are you single, married, widowed?
Where were you born:_______________________________________________________
When were you born:/or what year do you live?___________________________________
What is your Religion? Are you Catholic or Orthodox, Muslim or Jewish, or are you a heretic like the Cathars. Is religion a reason your in the Outremer? Keep in mind Religion was very important!
What do you do for a living? If you have a trade, how did you learn it?______________________
What hobbies does your persona enjoy?_____________________________________________
Are you Literate? If so, How?______________________________________________________
What social class were you born into (Choose realistically what you can afford to portray, costume and social rank went hand in hand. Were you disowned? Illegitimate? )
Reasons your in the Outremer (Is it Religion as above or are you a felon, a servant, a pilgrim, a crusader or a native to the region. Did you get stuck out here or left behind? Are you military?
Has your persona fought in the Crusades?___________________________________________
If so what battles?_______________________________________________________________
Can your persona ride a horse?__________Where did they learn that______________________
How pious are you? Do you pray often? Do you donate or help the Church? Or are you in the Outremer to grab land and slaves? Are you dogmatic? Do you accept Orthodox as brothers?
Where do you live in Tortosa? In town above a tavern, in a Garrison hall, a monastery or convent? Do you have a small shack out of town or do you live with family. Think about this.
What does your persona do with his free time?
Do you have servants? slaves? How do you afford them?_______________________________
Do you follow any Monastic rules?__________________________________________________
What skills do YOU have, are they skills your Persona can have? Where would you have learned them?________________________________________________________________________
How do you feel about the Nobility?_________________________________________________
What religions,sects,states,nations,households is your persona hostile to?__________________
Keep in mind your Persona is a FICTIONAL role, with beliefs you may or may not have. It is the same as that for any actor. A realistic persona is the goal on what we are striving for and this is just a starting point to begin creating your FICTIONAL medieval persona. Try to avoid Modern beliefs as they would not be realistic to a medieval mindset. This form is a basic start at best.