Relics (of Tortosa, Prior Helmut and the Semé-de-lis merchant house.)
Holy Relic's in Tortosa and within medieval reenactment. How to deal with history, and not offend others within reenactment.
Prior Helmut of the Outremer Society collects AUTHENTIC relics within reenactment and "sells*" relics in persona. This was a common medieval practice, and clergy in the Holy Land depended upon it to attract tourism and trade. Lord Marcolo has also been granted the right to sell Holy relics by the Patriarch of Antioch as well in persona. So it's more than a way to add revenue to the local church but a family business. The del Mare brothers Marcolo and Helmut have ran the merchant house Semé-de-lis dealing with Holy Relics in persona for 25+yrs.
(Note: This is within living history, Prior Helmut, and the Patriarch of Antioch both being reenactors not actual clergy. Also we do NOT SELL actual 1st or 2nd class relics, as that would be offensive and is not allowed under Church law. What we sell are mostly prop replicas and reliquaries that that may or may not contain a 3rd class relic. This is within the rules of Church and should not offend anyone while staying within the practice as it was in period).
- Actual Relics, If they are also Christian in real life then the soon relic can be blessed, touched to the actual relic and serve as a 3rd class relic on special occasions. Requests for "4th class relics" or devotionals, such as "4th order True Cross relics" touched to 2nd or 3rd class relics can be prepared at the "Priors" discretion. Relics related to Christ are highlighted in LIGHT BLUE
- False Relics, or Prop "Relics" (not touched to an actual relic, for theatric display ) will be sold to any appropriate persona that the Church would sell/gift a relic to. Marked as a Replica. These and other devotional items as were practiced in period are highlighted in yellow, and are explained to what they are in reality. They may be misunderstandings to outright fakes in period from "unicorn horn to items relating to "prester" John's" Kingdom.
- Out of period items are marked in Pink.
Documentation on relic, sealing, adding red thread and wax seal to new relic will cost extra. This seal will be Prior Helmut's to distinguish between relics made by him and authentically sealed relics by the catholic and orthodox Churches.
Relics of Tortosa Relics of Jesus Christ
Crown of Thorns, part of (Worn on the head of Christ) 1st class relic (NOT FOR SALE) (bought to save and restore which is allowed.)
The Holy Lance, The Spear of Destiny, the Spear of Longinus (Replica, but soon a 2nd class relic of Christ as it will be touched to a 1st class relic of the Crown of Thorns, and touched to 2nd/3rd class relics of the True Cross. Perhaps most interesting is the spear is an actual reliquary for a 3rd class relic of the Holy Lance within it.) (NOT FOR SALE)
Relic of the Robe of Christ (Touched to part of the Purple Robe of Christ. ) 3rd class Relic
Relic of the Holy Whip 3rd class Relic
True Cross Relics (Touched to the True Cross At The Church Of The Holy Sepulcher)
- True Cross Wooden cross paternoster/rosary relic. 3rd Class. (NOT FOR SALE)
- Cloth that touched the true cross. 3rd Class (NOT FOR SALE)
Relics of t
he Saints (NOT FOR SALE)
- Saint Benedict (Cloth touched to relic) 3rd Class
- Saint Michael (Stone from the grotto where he appeared) 3rd Class Archangel Relic
- Saint Joseph (Cloth touched to relic) 3rd Class
- Saint Joseph of ARIMATHEA CLOTH 3rd Class touched to the oily tears of the Holy Face!
- Saint Jude (Cloth touched to relic) 3rd Class
- Saint Francis (Cloth touched to relic) 3rd Class Sainted 1228AD
- Saint Anthony (Cloth touched to relic) 3rd Class Sainted 1232AD
- Saint Clare (Cloth touched to relic) 3rd Class Sainted 1255AD
- Saint Thomas Aquinas (Cloth touched to relic) 3rd Class Sainted 1323AD Post Crusader
- Saint Roch (Cloth touched to relic) 3rd Class Sainted 1590–1591AD Post Medieval
Non-period/Modern Saints (NOT FOR SALE)
- Saint Paul of the Cross (Clothing worn by him, with seal) 2nd Class
- St.Mutien-Marie (Part of his coffin wood) 2nd Class
- Saint Modestos (cloth) 3rd Class relic
- Saint John Paul II Relic Rosary, blessed by Pope Benedict XVI (Cloth touched to relic) 3rd Class
- Bl. Dominic Barberi of the Mother of God 3rd Class
- St. Gemma Galgari 3rd Class
- St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows 3rd Class
- St. Vincent Strambi 3rd Class
- St. Maria Goretti 3rd Class
- Bl. Isidore of St. Joseph 3rd Class
- Bl. Grimoaldo SantaMaria of the Purification 3rd Class
- And Bl. Pio Campidelli 3rd Class
Other items of interest held by the Priory (Some is modern
- 99 Jerusalem candles Blessed by Holy Fire at the Holy Sepulcher
- Holy Water from the Jordan River
- Holy Water from the Holy Sepulcher
- Holy Water blessed by Saint John Paul II (3rd class Relic as well) (NOT FOR SALE)
- Holy Water blessed by Pope Benedict XVI (NOT FOR SALE)
- Holy water from Fatima. (NOT FOR SALE)
- Holy Olive oil from the Holy Land blessed at the Holy Sepulcher
- Holy Anointing Oil from the Holy Land with Myrrh and Spikenard
- Holy incense from the Holy Sepulcher
- Holy Frankincense incense
- Holy Soil
Oddities and Obscura (NOT FOR SALE, unless mentioned by a green $ then they are for sale at medieval events we attend.)
- The CORD OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD 2nd and 3 class Relic (touched to relics of Christ and many Saints, blessed by a priest.)
- Part of an Alicorn or Unicorn horn (Part of a Narwhal horn, what was sold and believed to be unicorn horn in period so it's sorta authentic..)
- Patriarchal Staff of Prester John, King of the Christians of East. (Believed to be a misunderstanding of Ethiopia and it's Orthodox Christians it became attached to Eastern Nestorians. Thus the staff is a former Ethiopian Orthodox processional staff. Helmut believes this is from the "real" Prester John.)
- The Ring of Solomon (False Relic that Helmut believes is a 2nd class relic.)
- The Dragon,Ex ossibus, killed by Saint George (Crocodile bones from the Nile that are not of a Dragon...) Part of the Golden Legend. $
- Some Cravio, corporis of the Amir of Babylon, from the 13th century myth of Huon of Bordeaux. Outright fake to attract tourists.. $
- Assorted "Relics" of "Robert the Devil" (Fake relics sold identify the wicked or ambitious, as this 13th century myth was based upon a story of a Norman knight who discovered he is the son of the devil. Believed to have died in the 11th century. $
- Biblical Mandrake Root (Nothing but an oddity in the Priors collection.) Has a human face and form...